It looks pretty good that the Lions are headed back to the playoffs.  It was all the way back in1991 the last time the Lions WON a playoff game over Dallas.  Can you believe it's been 25 years?  It got me to thinking... What was going on 25 years ago?  Here's a list of some of the stuff you may or may not remember from 1991.

-The Internet was first made available

-Gas was $1.12

-The Dow was at 3168

-Desert Storm was launched

-Freddie Mercury revealed he had aids

- The Soviet Union came to an end

-Nirvana's- "Nevermind" was released

-Terminator 2: Judgement Day was the big movie

-Airbags first put into cars

-I still had hair


What else do you Remember...Go Lions!!!




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