Editor's note: Mike McKelly's "Get Off My Lawn" (GOML) series features his "old-man" rants.

Over the years, I've been asked to not be such an old fart in terms of what is happening these days.

In other words, "I'm resistant to change," "the past was better," "these kids today," — that sort of thing.  Well, instead of listening to those who obviously know better, I'm going to champion this point of view and continue to yell at the kids to: "GET OFF MY LAWN!"

Today's addition of GOML is one that you might expect. When we were kids, we hardly ever had snow days, despite the fact that, up until last year, we had more snow.

Now I'm not going to go to: "We walked to school up hill both ways."  I understand that more safety concerns come into play as civilizations progress, but there just SEEMS to be more snow days.

Darren McCollester- Getty Images
Darren McCollester- Getty Images

I'm not even asking whether or not to risk the lives of our children for the sake of getting to school. I'm simply saying that we went to school under conditions that today's standards wouldn't allow. In fact, I say keep 'em home, even if there's a chance lives may be at stake.

I'm just saying, it sure SEEMS that we had a lot less snow days and a lot more snow — I'm just saying. Now, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!

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