Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I scour the interwebs to find the best (and worst) thoughts floating around social media.  Without further ado…

Here are the BEST Great Moments in Facebook History for today, Monday, June 22, 2015:

  • My leadership experience is pretty much limited to those three consecutive days in first grade when I was line leader.
  • My life coach told me to just let the clock run out.
  • Favorite part of the day? The food part.
  • McDonald’s should do an Adult Happy Meal that’s just wine and cookies.
  • It’s been “one of those days” for like 3 years now.
  • Wearing a t-shirt displaying the Union Jack and someone has just asked me why I’m wearing something with the Spice Girls logo on it.  I need to have a word with McGill admissions…
  • Sarah: I honestly think mosquitoes are the most pointless creation.
    Sarah’s Friend: Dragon flies survive off mosquitoes, frogs eat dragon flies, French people eat frogs, and the American Revolution was won with the help of the French army.  Show a little respect.



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