Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I scour the interwebs to find the best (and worst) thoughts floating around social media.  Without further ado…

Here are the BEST Great Moments in Facebook History for today, Wednesday, May 4th, 2016:

  • I refuse to accept your labels like "immature" & "irresponsible" & "don't drink while taking this medication".
  • In high school, I was voted 'Who is that? Does she even go to our school? Never saw her before'
  • Sorry ladies, but I already got my eyes on a woman who's not interested.
  • The Shining is my favorite movie about what can happen when you spend too much time with family.
  • (Ben Hooper) Listen, I know fans are resistant to change, but isn’t it about time to just call him “Richard Grayson”?  Until that day, I’m just going to keep saying stuff like “Bruce might seem hard, but deep down he really loves Dick.”  Don’t blame me, Warner Bros.


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