Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I scour the interwebs to find the best (and worst) thoughts floating around social media.  Without further ado…

Here are the BEST Great Moments in Facebook History for today, Wednesday, September 21st, 2016:

  • May your day be just a little bit brighter knowing that even Brad Pitt can get dumped.
  • Did you know, if you hold an empty bottle of Yellow Tail Chardonnay to your ear you can hear a soccer mom complaining that she didn't get her ranch dressing.
  • Just saying if the NFL has any balls at all, Corey Feldman will be the Super Bowl halftime show.
  • To this day I can't drink a third cup of coffee without thinking of Jessie Spano and the caffeine pill damage of 1990.
  • damm girl are you sitting on the f5 key because that @$$ is refreshing


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