Right now all the rage in California is "Drought Shaming."  People are taking pictures and videos of other people who aren't abiding by the water-saving measures.  Their sprinklers are on or their lawns are green or both.

Well, for the past month I've been appalled--no, OUTRAGED--by the number of people who didn't bother to mow their lawn and/or didn't bother to fertilize to keep the dandelions from growing.

I'm not anal about my lawn, but it's one of the best in the neighborhood because I fertilize 4 times a year and keep my lawn mowed at a minimum of 3 inches.  But I'm not anal about it.


Look, all it takes is the first bag of crabgrass prevention/weed & feed and then just mow your damn lawn or I'll find you and "LAWN SHAME" YOU!!!  Hugs & kisses...

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