It happened on Friday afternoon.  I was at Hamilton Harley-Davidson to go on my first ride to test out the new Low Rider.  There was a lot of apprehension from everybody there as I hadn't been on a bike for a few years.  I was confident, though.  Maybe over confident.  Maybe even cocky as I told Tom Hamilton he had nothing to worry about.  After all, I started riding when I was 13, rode regularly for over 10 years and then rode periodically after that.  So why should anyone have anything to worry about.

As I pulled out of the parking lot, I leaned a little (like ya do) and a little throttle; maybe a little more than a little and the tire spun out underneath me and down we went.  At that point it became one of those scenes in a movie where everything everything is spinning, your hearing is muffled and you hope you'll wake up from what, surely, is a bad dream.


Was it loose gravel?  Was the tire too new and slick?  Was the pavement cold?  No.  It wasn't any of those.  It was me not being careful; something I preach and preach.  I certainly learned my lesson.  It was 36 years ago when I had to lay down a bike on the street.  Hopefully, it won't happen again.  But if it does, I hope it's 36 years from now.  Click HERE to check out the Hamilton Harley-Davidson Facebook page with some of the horror.  Ride safe.

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