OK. I haven't gone on a date since 1983, but I certainly think I can continue to give dating advice.

Well, not real dating advice. You know, dating advice that comes from a "bit" on the Rocker Morning Show.

Now, I really don't know much about dating in 2014, except what I hear or make up.  But I did hear a story about how someone found someone else on the Tinder app and, apparently, fell in love.

You realize it's a "swipe right if you like what you see" and "swipe left if you don't" process.  Anyway, I thought it was necessary to, not only impart more wisdom, but also give those on the dating scene the heads up on this remarkable way to meet your soulmate.

In the words of Demi Lovato, who stole them from me, "The heart wants what the heart wants." Check it out:

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