We all have to adult. Whether we want to admit it or not, the laundry isn't going to wash itself, the bed isn't going make itself, and the toilet isn't going to scrub itself.  When we're younger we rush around like maniacs to clean the place right before we have company, but as we age, we start inserting chores in to our every day routines.  Suddenly organization and preparation are necessities that actually make life a whole lot easier. When that light bulb goes off, Congratulations!  Pin your "Adulting" badge on your sash. You've made it.

Admittedly, it can be tough to manage all of life's adulting on your own, especially when working two jobs AND trying to have a social life.  I've done fairly well, all things considered. Sure the laundry might pile up, or the recycling is in danger of causing a refuse avalanche, but I eventually get around to it all.

Except for one piece of adulting: Meal Prep.

Sure, I'd start off with good intentions.  I'd get some of it done, but by mid-week, I was either out of the food I'd prepared, or eating the same thing day-in-and-day-out made my taste buds want to hang themselves. So, back to the drive-thru I'd go; the quick fix that becomes the daily occurrence. I'd blame it on my schedule, my obligations... and the fact that when I FINALLY get home at the end of the day, I don't want to do anything but Netflix and Snore.

I'm more Erma Bombeck than Martha Stewart, that's for sure.

But I'd try.  I'd find a few recipes for Breakfast Muffins, and Salad Jars, and Crock Pot stews.  I'd make my shopping list, gather the ingredients, and spend all Sunday in my kitchen chopping, mixing, measuring, soaking, sauteing, basting, browning, and by the end of it, I'd have food for the week!

One whole week.

...just that week.

Next week? Hahahahaha... Do I really have to do it all over again?  *sigh* Calgon, take me away!

Tape measure, Symbolic photo to the topics: Slimm/Fat (State, Economy, Industry, Craft), etc.
Photo by Ulrich Baumgarten via Getty Images

I used every excuse to skip this culinary bore; I was too tired, I'd do it tomorrow, one more week without it isn't going to kill me, etc.  The truth is, I was doing it wrong.

The way I've learned to eat on Nutrimost has completely changed my idea of meal prep, and I'm so thankful. The meals keep it simple; one protein, one vegetable, and one fruit. All the effort I've put in to those elaborate meals suddenly makes no sense at all. Yes, my Garden Chili recipe is delicious (and nutritious), but good nutrition doesn't have to take hours in the kitchen to produce.  Now, instead of one pot of something for five weeknight dinners, I'm throwing two or three different meats on my George Foreman at once, and at the same time baking two more in the oven.  There you have it; the beginnings of five different meals in 15 minutes.  Time for dinner?  I'll thaw that pre-measured beef, cook up some zucchini noodles, and boom; dinner in five minutes.  Running late for work and need to grab something quick for lunch? Can of tuna, cucumber, apple. Lunch covered with ZERO effort on my part.  And believe it or not, I don't even notice what I'm missing at the drive-thru.

Don't get me wrong, my mushroom risotto recipe is still a crowd pleaser, and worth the 45 minutes of stirring, waiting, watching - but not everything I prepare, especially during the week (when time is a premium), needs to be a full-blown dish.  A filet of Swai and some steamed broccoli?  Bring it on; ten minutes from oven to table. Grilled chicken spinach salad with tomatoes?  Took longer to type it than to prepare it.

Nutrimost is changing so many more things than the number on my scale.  Nutrimost just pinned my adulting badge on my sash.


Weight: 117.6
Water: 51.2%
Metabolic Age: 21

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