Hello, All!  I'm in the middle of week three of My Nutrimost Adventure.  Three more to go!  I was told that if I continue making the kind of progress they see, I might get to stop a week early... which would mean I won't miss Thanksgiving!  I'm overjoyed at the thought.

So, on to updates!

Weight: 122.4

Body Fat Mass: Down 5.2 pounds.

Hydration: Up 1.7%

Metabolic Age: 23 years

Tape measure, Symbolic photo to the topics: Slimm/Fat (State, Economy, Industry, Craft), etc.
Photo by Ulrich Baumgarten via Getty Images

Holy shnikes. Those are really great results. But, how am I doing, otherwise, you might be wondering. How's that energy level I've been trying to increase?  I wanted to take some time to really monitor that before reporting, scared I might be fooled by The Placebo Effect.  Am I feeling more energy because I know I'm doing something that's supposed to increase my energy, or am I feeling a legitimate (and wonderful) side effect from the Nutrimost program?

I haven't been this energetic in the last ten years. Ten years ago I was able to balance two jobs, school, two internships and a social life without a problem. Ten years ago I could stay up all night working on a paper and still make it to my internship by 9am. I thought I would never have the ability to successfully balance all that I'm doing again. I'm not napping between jobs anymore.  In fact, I've done some great things with that extra time.  Last week I cleaned out my car, organized my fridge/freezer, prepped meals, took a long, hot bath, and managed to squeeze in a few loads of laundry during the time I would have, otherwise, been sleeping.  I'm also exhausted at the end of the day, which is something I desperately needed to coax me in to bed at a reasonable hour to stay on schedule.  After three weeks of being on the program I can honestly say that my energy is coming from my renewed metabolic rate and the healthy way I'm eating.  No placebo effect. No new-diet exaggerations. I have the energy of a 23-year-old.

Its working.  Nutrimost is doing everything it claimed to do. I'm losing weight, I'm gaining energy; it's fantastic.  You know, they say you can never go back and make a new beginning... but you can always begin today to make a new ending.


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