Built in 1886, Allegan's bridge looks great for its age; see the top Instagram photos of this historic landmark.

Designated a Michigan Historic Site, the marker at the Second Street Bridge in Allegan reads:

This simply ornamented wrought-iron bridge was built in 1886. It replaced and earlier wooden one that had begin to fall into disrepair. Designed by the King Iron Bridge and Manufacturing Company of Cleveland, Ohio, the double-intersection Pratt truss bridge was completed at a cost of $7,532.25.Eighteen feet wide and spanning 225 feet of the Kalamazoo River, it is one of the largest extant bridges deigned by the firm. Following a battle by city officials and local citizens to save the bridge from demolition, it was restored at a cost of $552,000 in 1983. The bridge was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.

#alleganbridge is a popular hashtag on Instagram; here are it's best shots:


Est. 1886 #Allegan #bridge #smalltown #michigan

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Love this bridge <3 sooooo pretty at night! #alleganbridge #allegan #downtown A post shared by Jake Cornish (@jakecornish.psd) on

#allegan A post shared by Sarah McLaughlin (@sarahisbulletproof) on

#alleganbridge looking amazing tonight

A post shared by Jake Cornish (@jakecornish.psd) on

Allegan riverfront bridge

A post shared by Jessie Johnson (@jessiegatekeeper) on

Bonus Video: No, the Mackinac Bridge Is Not the Largest Bridge in Michigan

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