Happy 180th Birthday Michigan
That's right, on this day back in 1837 this land that is your land became a state. Now, I don't know how you'll be celebrating but I plan on drinking some Michigan beers and spouting crazy, random facts about our great state. Here are some of my favorites...
1. No matter where you are in Michigan, you're no farther than 6 miles from a lake or river.
2. There are no Wolverines left in the state.
3. If you straightened out Lake Superior's shoreline alone it would stretch from Duluth to the Bahamas.
4. Detroit Residents were the first in the nation to have phone numbers.
And of course...
5. The Kalamazoo Mall was the first pedestrian mall in the United States.
These are a few that I already knew which are included with many others I didn't know by clicking HERE.