Snow Blankets Hawaii While Michigan Remains Snow-Free
The winter of 2017 is off to a slow start in southern Michigan without a flake to be found and no coating not even a dusting of snow. The weather is very different in Hawaii where they are experiencing a snowstorm at high elevations.
Video from an observatory on Mauna Kea on Hawaii's Big Island from November 27 shows the summit being blanketed with snow.
NBC News via KTIV reports,
The summits of the Big Island are experiencing white out conditions as heavy snow falls on Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea.
Up to a foot of snow is possible.
The snow is thanks to an area of deep tropical moisture.
The road to the summit is closed at the 9,200-foot elevation due to the conditions.
As for snow in Southwest Michigan, as of the end of November and early December, there's none in sight and not much in the long range forecast.