Michigan: FDA Warns Of Common Cookware Contaminating Food
Cooking is one of the most vital life skills that someone could learn as this will keep them alive and healthy. As the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime. This is true for cooking as well, if someone is taught how to cook, they should be able to provide meals for a lifetime.

Cooking may not be a hard task but there are a lot of meticulous things to pay attention to. The temperature of your food, when you make certain foods, and the ingredients and materials used to make and prepare the meal. These things are some of the most important as they could lead to misfortune.
Many of us don't think about the cooking materials and utensils we use could cause harm to us but according to the FDA that's the complete opposite. There have been many warnings telling people to not use wire grill brushes as the wires fuse into food and get lodged in the throat. This is just one instance of utensils causing harm and the FDA is warning of another.
Those in Michigan who like to cook should be aware that products sold by Rashko Baba Co., Ltd should not be distributed in the US and should not be used to cook with. There are concerns of these products having trace amounts of lead that may be leaking into your food.
A press release in December from the FDA shows that products made with aluminum, brass, and aluminum alloy are the main products being questioned. This came about from the “Closer to Zero” initiative which is all about reducing the level of toxic elements in food over time.
20 Copycat Snacks Being Investigated By The FDA and FTC
Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll