Sticky fingers?

You already know times are tough! Especially around the holiday season when every business from the big box stores to the small mom and pop shops are fighting for your precious dollars.

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I don't know about you, but it certainly pains me to have to pay full retail! I'm always looking for a deal or a coupon, especially around this time of the year when every dollar counts. Buying gifts for everyone on your shopping list can make an already strained budget even tighter.

I'm definitely not above washing and re-using disposable sandwich baggies and picking up stray pennies-- hey, desperate times call for desperate measures! While families across the nation are pinching pennies mega-retailers like Kroger and Walmart are raking in billion dollar profits.

In fact, Walmart Inc. claims it generated total revenues of $611.3 billion for fiscal year 2023. Wait, wasn't this the same company who threatened to rip out all their self-checkout kiosks claiming self-scan theft was bleeding them dry?

On the contrary! According to sources on Tiktok the retail giant is quietly testing a new feature at self-checkout that will cut down on both checkout times and shoplifting. Instead of hunting for the barcode on an item Walmart is now embedding codes within their product packaging which are detected during checkout.

Simply hover the item near the scanner and the code will get picked up by the sensors no matter which part of the product you scan. In a press release digital watermark company Digimarc, which spearheaded the efforts, said,

Hunting for barcodes during the scanning process becomes unnecessary, which eases the self-scanning for customers. The imaging cameras can also pick up several products at the same time.

According to Gitnux market data it is estimated Walmart loses $3 billion per year due to theft.

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