Charges Authorized for Shocking Assault at a Battle Creek High SchoolCharges Authorized for Shocking Assault at a Battle Creek High SchoolThe Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office has authorized charges in an assault that was caught on video at Pennfield High School.Lacy JamesLacy James
Many Job Openings as Kalamazoo Restaurant Workers Threatened with GunMany Job Openings as Kalamazoo Restaurant Workers Threatened with GunJobs Unfilled as Kalamazoo Restaurant Workers Threatened with GunLacy JamesLacy James
Drive-by Shooting Spree With Paintball Guns In Battle Creek Leads To Three ArrestsDrive-by Shooting Spree With Paintball Guns In Battle Creek Leads To Three Arrests The three men, two from Battle Creek ages 20 and 21, and a 20-year-old Chicago man, will face charges of felonious assault. Brandon JamesBrandon James