A GoFundMe campaign has been established, as well as a tee-shirt drive featuring a logo with a dancer in the middle of a heartbeat and the hashtag #jadynstrong. However you can help 16-year-old Jadyn during her time of recovery is much appreciated.
If you've been looking to clean out that garage, or have been putting off taking your children's scooters to the thrift store, consider giving that scooter a chance to go out in the spotlight!
As part of their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the new Kalamazoo Menchie's, they will celebrate three charities in our area; Crayons 4 Kids, a wonderful organization that spreads joy to children in hospitals, Girls on the Run, whose aim is to build the self-esteem of young girls in our area, and Open Roads, a program that strives to teach teenagers how to build and fix bicycles.
Consider throwing a pack of diapers in your cart when you're picking up dinner groceries tonight. While we're at it, lets think about the other daily needs the Mission might need, but is often overlooked.
It's heartbreaking to see our neighbors and friends go without, especially when they are children. No child should be without food, shelter, and clothing. Dave Karlson Ngouambe Chenogoue, of Kalamazoo, knows this first hand. That's why he has teamed up with Kicks for Kids, an organization that aims to put new shoes on the feet of needy children around the world...