Despite an ordinance that decriminalized public urination and defecation in Kalamazoo, the State of Michigan, could soon overturn that ordinance with a proposed House Bill.
"We came to the cabin for the weekend and saw a note posted that said the state of Michigan was interested in a tree growing close to the cabin. I thought it was a joke at first, but decided to call the number. It's amazing that our tree will travel to Lansing for the holidays."
While unemployment figures are starting to looking better, one aspect of the whole Coronavirus pandemic that just keeps on giving people still seeking unemployment benefits. And now there are changes in the way Michigan is beginning to verify whether job seekers are actually actively looking for work.
Michigan is going all out, to get not only as many of the state's residents vaccinated as possible, but also, with infections spiking recently, offering free Covid testing in areas where there are high volumes of travelers.
For some it was a source of pride; for others, not so much. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has vetoed the "Pure Michigan" promotional campaign, saying it is hard to tell if the $35 million dollar ad campaign is making any difference promoting tourism in the state.