Michigan 2024: Have Many UFOs Have Been Reported This Year?Michigan 2024: Have Many UFOs Have Been Reported This Year?With 135 sightings reported in 2023, how many UFO sightings have been reported in Michigan so far in 2024?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries Features West Michigan UFO SightingNetflix's Unsolved Mysteries Features West Michigan UFO SightingOn March 8, 1994 west Michigan dispatchers received over 300 calls reporting strange lights and UFOs along the lakeshore.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Michigan in the Top 10 States for UFO and Ghosts SightingsMichigan in the Top 10 States for UFO and Ghosts SightingsMichigan residents come in 9th in the nation for chances of spotting some sort of paranormal activity.Lacy JamesLacy James
50 Michigan UFO Reports Made in 2020 That Can’t Be Explained Away50 Michigan UFO Reports Made in 2020 That Can’t Be Explained AwayEven the Coronavirus couldn't stop reports of UFOs in Michigan.JTJT