With downloading and streaming taking over, it's harder to find hard copies of music.

There are still stores, but it's harder to find certain types of music on CD that I want.  I have nothing against downloading or streaming, but there is still a good feeling to buying hard copies of music.

Whether on CD or vinyl, there is that certain feeling I get when I buy something. I can't really describe what it is, but It's a great feeling.

Ever since I was 5 years old and purchased my first 45, I have enjoyed buying music.   Vinyl, cassettes and now CDs.

I have downloaded music and have streamed music on occasion, but it just isn't the same.

To actually look through stacks of music to find that one copy of the album you're looking for is rewarding to me. That's become harder to do as most of the music I enjoy I can't find in stores.

Thankfully, I can find it online. Just recently, I picked up nine CDs using gift cards from Christmas and my birthday. I now sit and wait till I can open up that new music and listen to it for the first time. I feel that downloading isn't going to go anywhere, but I hope that in some way, we will always have a way to get physical copies of music.

Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images

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