My nearest and dearest know that if it can happen, it will happen... to me.  I seem to have the most interesting luck, and last weekend was no exception.  In less than 24 hours, I had to replace my rusted-through water heater, and my car was rear-ended.  I've gotten so used to thinking, "what next?" that I've developed a particularly unsettling and maniacal laugh to deal with the stress.

Also, bourbon.  Bourbon helps.

You know what they say: misery loves company.  When you're feeling like you're having the worst day of your life, someone comes along to put an arm around your shoulder and says, "Me, too."

If you're experiencing a lull in the good-luck department, never fear... you're not alone.  Check out 20 People Having a Worse Week than You.

Photo by Arthur Tanner/Fox Photos/Getty Images
Photo by Arthur Tanner/Fox Photos/Getty Images

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