Spring, a Michigan spring at that, is an incredibly beautiful time of the year.

We all shake off the cold, depressing energy of winter and get to see flowers blooming, birds chirping, bees buzzing and everyone blowing their dang noses!

Yeah, with spring comes major allergies and here in Michigan, each season actually comes with its own type of allergen making people miserable.

For example, Allergy and Asthma Center of Rochester (AAACR) says that our allergies that happen more from the end of March into June are a result of "tree allergies."

Why, specifically, "tree allergies"?

Well, according to AAACR, in the spring our trees and plants release teeny-tiny pollen particles with a mission to fertilize other trees and make more grow. The pollen hitches a ride on air currents or insects but it can only go so far and often can enter our sinuses (noses & throats) and give us those fun allergy symptoms we all know and love.

Here's a fun little song by @natlieburdick on Instagram to at least be able to laugh a little about it (if you can get through it without sneezing):

While we all muddle through our allergies together, let's take a look at what Schoen Insurance Agency says Michigan's main culprits that our pushing their pollen onto us are:

These Michigan Plants Will Irritate Your Seasonal Allergies

Spring is where allergies run rampant here in Michigan and for that we can thank pollen...Specifically, tree pollen. Here's a look at the biggest culprits.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go hunt down some allergy pills because just looking at all those pollinators are making me sneezy!

While we are on the topic of bothersome plants here in Michigan, here's a look at some insects and reptiles we should really keep an eye on too:

Michigan's Deadliest Animals & Critters

You may have even seen a few of these in your home or around the state.

10 Spring Cleaning Chores Only Midwesterners Have To Do

Midwest winters sure give us a lot of extra things to do when the weather warms up. Here are some things you won't want to forget in your spring cleaning endeavors.

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