100 Years Ago, a Stay at Bronson Hospital Cost You $2.00 a Night
We know skyrocketing health care costs have gotten out of control in recent years- this 1917 price guide really puts things into perspective.
From the archives of the Kalamazoo Public Library's collection comes this 1917 annual report from Bronson Hospital Kalamazoo. Note, all bills were to be paid weekly in advance.
Per day in a 4-bed ward...................$1.50/ $2
Per day in a 2-bed room..................$2
Per day in a private room.................$2.50- $4
Major operations (weekday).............$7
Major operations (nights/Sunday)....$10
Nurse from training school...............$2.50
Graduate Nurse................................$32
You'll notice a staggering difference between the level of nursing care, but the training nurse rate is per day and the graduate rate is weekly, including board. The $2 rate seems ridiculously low by today's standards, and maybe it is. Adjusted for inflation, $2.00 in 1917 is equal to $43.32 in 2019.
That still seems incredible. Can you even get a couple of asprin at he hospital today for $43?
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