Kalamazoo Gathers A Year Later To Remember
I'm sure we all remember where we were and what we were doing a year ago tonight and tomorrow. Most of us got the news the next morning, were in shock the rest of that Sunday and remain so to a certain extent. "Something like that just doesn't happen around here" I heard so many people say but it does and it did.
In some ways I feel like all of us lost a bit of our innocence a year ago but, of ultimate importance, innocents were lost to their families and friends. So it's good to gather and remember but make sure we don't let evil win and make this more than what it should be. We owe it to the families who lost loved ones or who's loved ones are still recovering. Show them what we're really about. Resilience, compassion, kindness and comfort. Our friends at Mlive.com have all the details on ceremonies tonight at Wings Event Center and special announcements that will be made. Just click HERE.