Kalamazoo is Camping In. Here’s When Campsites Will Open
Maybe it's the lockdown but my whole perspective has changed in regard to getting back to the things we took for granted. I'll get to the change in a moment. Just think of all those things we've taken for granted. I for one can't wait to play golf again. For a while there it wasn't looking good despite the ease to social distance. With the economy in free-fall and golf courses struggling, who knew if they would survive. So far it's looking good.
Now comes the change in perspective. I have never been a fan of camping. In fact for me, the Hilton is roughing it. About the closest I came to a family camping trip as a kid was parking next to a lake in a 30 foot motor home. There was only one time I got close and that was a trip to Wisconsin Dells in the early 90s. We camped at Jellystone Park with a pop-up trailer. So now with this new-found perspective maybe it's time to turn over a new air mattress and pitch a tent in one of the area's campgrounds. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources says campgonds are scheduled to open on June 22nd. For a list of schedules, closures and modifications go to the DNR's response page by clicking HERE.

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