Open Mics, The Roast of Vader, and More in Kalamazoo Comedy
Some of the fine people from Kalamazoo Comedy dropped by to visit the Rocker Morning Show to keep Bishop company, and to run down the list of the MANY shows they're doing through the rest of 2017.
The comedy scene in Kalamazoo is growing, but it needs your help to keep on keepin' on, and all you have to do is put your butt in the seat and laugh. I think that's the easiest way anyone could support their community. Right? Some shows might be free open mics, while others are keeping the laughter going in memorial. Another is set to roast a fictional villain! There's something for everyone! Check it out!
- Saturday, November 25th Louie's Trophy House. 8:30. This one's called Choke on Jokes 2.0, and it's in honor of Eric Anderson, a member of the Kalamazoo Comedy community who was tragically killed in a car accident last November. They aim to keep his memory alive with the only way he would have wanted it; laughter. Free show!
- Thursday, November 30th. Shakespeare's. Doors open at 8:30, show starts at 9:30. Shane Torres graces us with his comedic stylings. He's appeared on Conan, so, you know, you could see him for super cheap and be all hipster and say you saw him before he was cool. $8 in advance, $10 at the door. Plus, a bunch of other comedians will be there to start the show, so you're basically getting four shows for the price of one.
- Saturday, December 2nd. Shakespeare's. Doors open at 7:30, show at 8:30. It's the Benac Winter Bash, mixing politics, comedy, and music, featuring the comedy from nationally touring comedians Keith Bergman and Sophie Hughes. Music from The Last Gasp Collective and The Mushmen. An entire night of entertainment for a mere $10 donation at the door.
- Tuesday, December 19th. Louie's. 9:00. It's Christmas Caroljoke - so get ready for comedy and holiday karaoke. The song list will be decided through votes online, and given out as White Elephant Gifts from performer to performer. It's like karaoke roulette, but dipped in holiday spice.
- Wednesday, December 20th. Harvey's. 9:00. It's the Roast of Darth Vader. Costumes are encouraged for this one. Come see the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces get his ass handed to him all in the name of comedy. You will not be disappointed. It's FREE! So gather up your friends and treat them to a night of laughter and nerdery.
- New Years EVE! There's comedy at The Entertainment District starting at 8:00pm. Buy your tickets before November 27th and get 25% off.
Bonus Video: McKelly Thinks He's Funny
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