Should We All Be Washing Fresh Produce With Soap?
This is something that I've been talking about for a couple weeks now. The conversation started with my wife Karla and then expanded to friends and medical professionals. This crisis has made me and many that I know wonder just how many people touch our food; especially our fruits and vegetables. I personally eat a Fuji apple everyday at work. Until now I never really thought about washing it with soap.
According to an expert on refinery29.com, the debate around giving your fruits and veggies a bubble bath blew up last week following a viral video in which a family doctor from Michigan said soap and water was a good way to keep veggies COVID-19 free, which sounds like it makes sense (treat your honeydew melon as you would your hands). Since then a whole bunch of experts have refuted this advice, many pointing out that of the all of the cases worldwide, not a single one has come from contaminated food. If you're still not convinced, the FDA says washing fruits and vegetables with soap, detergent, or commercial produce wash is not recommended.

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