This 100-Year-Old Picture Of The Kalamazoo State Theatre Is Amazing
Recently Annete Taborn, a native of Kalamazoo, posted a picture on Facebook of the Kalamazoo State Theatre from the 1920's. Apparently her Great Uncle was the head brick mason for the building and decided to share a beautiful look back stating:
Orren Wesley White, my great Uncle was the head brick mason of this incredible theater in Kalamazoo Michigan. Yes. A black man in the 1920's was the boss on this project and many more beautiful, still standing buildings around SW Michigan.
She went on to discuss:
Old Aunt Maude used to tell the story about going to opening night and sitting amongst the whites just like it was natural. In the North in places like Kalamazoo, there was segregation of the races but blacks at least had an easier time of establishing themselves in a profession and being equal members of a community.
It's an amazing story to celebrate Black History Month with and just shows how far we have come as a community. I'm proud to live in a city that is so diverse and so welcoming of different beliefs.
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