Original Story

A popular boat launch into the Kalamazoo River near downtown Kalamazoo reportedly has been closed because a bow fisherman is alleged to have been repeatedly leaving dozens of dead carp on the pavement near the water . It started about a year ago at Verburg Park on Patterson Street and crews have been called to clean up the fish nearly 50 times in that span. It died down over the winter and during February's flooding, but the fisherman appears to be back at it.

Courtesy Scott Markham
Courtesy Scott Markham

On Saturday, Kalamazoo city parks workers reportedly cleaned up over 60 fish that were dead and rotting on the pavement and that was apparently the last straw. Concrete barriers now block the launch for not just fisherman, but kayakers or any other type of water hobbyist wanting to go into the river.

Kalamazoo Parks and Recreation Deputy Director Patrick McVerry says their department has been working with the DNR to try to track down the individual. Although they could fine him for littering, they really just want to ask him why he is doing it and to please stop so they can reopen the boat launch. The proper way to dispose of dead carp from bowfishing is to remove them and dispose of them privately.

Here is a photo of the bow fisherman, his boat and his vehicle obtained by a DNR Trail Cam. Anyone who might recognize him can contact the local DNR or the Kalamazoo Parks and Recreation Department.


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