Spike in Local Covid Infections Means No Visitors At Ascension
This news is so frustrating, so maddening. On one side, we are approaching what appears to be, if not a "finish line", at least a light at the end of a pandemic. At the same time, here we are seeing a rise, a spike, in Covid cases. Hopefully, not a return to square one. Maybe, it's that after a year of living in a state of pandemic, we are just ready for something fresh and new.
But the reality is rules are tightening up again. Ascension Borgess sent out updated visiting rules in conjunction with that Covid spike.
In February, Borgess said
"in an effort to protect patients, physicians, staff and the community as COVID-19 continues to spread within our communities, Ascension Borgess, instituted a tiered visitation policy "based upon evidence-based practices and taking into consideration each local community’s COVID-19 prevalence, using Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Ascension data. Most of the hospitals have primarily been operating at a Tier III visitation level recently which allows one designated visitor per patient for the duration of the visit/admission. However, with an increasing community positivity rate and currently a higher number of COVID-19 hospitalizations across Michigan, effective immediately, Ascension Borgess hospitals will be moving to a Tier IV ‘no visitor’ policy. Our priority is to reduce the transmission risk within our sites of care." -Ascension Borgess release
Ascension says these are the basic rules. There are some exceptions, as for a patient with dementia, in ER cases, birth-giving, and similar unique situations. But for the time being, the visitation rules are being tightened up do the the rise in Covid cases.

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