Battle Creek Soup Kitchen Celebrates 100,000 Meals
It's important that we highlight the growing hunger problem in this community and the important work done by groups like Loaves and Fishes for The Dollar Drive Through.
Too many parents go without so their kids can eat. A disturbing number of children rely solely on the meals provided at school. A growing homeless community wakes every morning wondering if they will eat that day. Hunger is such a huge, overwhelming issue that it's no wonder a lot of people turn a blind eye; where do you start - how do you start - to fix the problem?
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao Tzu
October 2011, God's Kitchen, a church-owned charity in Battle Creek, took a single step. They served their first meal. Yesterday, they reached a milestone; 100,000 meals.
From everyone who donated canned goods to the people who prepare the daily menu, congratulations on granting 100,000 wishes.
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