Buy A Virtual Kalamazoo Ribfest T-shirt to Support Local Charity
Covid-19 cancelled yet another event. But here's how you can help the charity behind Kalamazoo Ribfest.
On April 29th, we made the heartbreaking announcement that Kalamazoo Ribfest 2020 was cancelled due to Covid-19. It's a huge loss to the community and vendors, but we had no choice. For the last several years a portion of the proceeds from Kalamazoo Ribfest have gone directly to Arc Community Advocates.
So, what is Arc Community Advocates? Here's their mission statement from their website:
We exist as an advocacy organization to make it possible for each person with a developmental disability to participate fully in all aspects of community and to support the effort of each individual to determine his/her own future.
After the unfortunate cancellation of Kalamazoo Ribfest 2020, we attempted to launch a smaller, safer Kalamazoo Ribfest Food Truck event. That too, was cancelled due to Covid-19.
In an effort to help this very important charity in lieu of the proceeds they would normally receive from Kalamazoo Ribfest; you can buy Virtual Kalamazoo Ribfest t-shirts with proceeds going to the Arc Community Advocate.

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