Mattawan-boy-done-good Halli Borgfjord is bringing his comedy to the stage at Shakespeare's Lower Level, Thursday, February 21st. According to his bio, Borgfjord has been seen on:

...AXS Live TV, The Mindy Project on FOX, and heard on the nationally syndicated Bob & Tom Radio Show, XM satellite radio, and on his album Have You Been Borgfjorded Lately? which debuted at #2 on the iTunes Comedy Charts.  Over the years Halli has performed all across North America and made his way to being a regular at the top comedy clubs in LA.  Additionally, he has performed at numerous comedy festivals most notably the Laugh Your Asheville Off Festival, the inaugural Big Sky Comedy Festival, and the Cabo Comedy Festival where he was a finalist in the Jack Rollins rising-star showcase. In addition to stand-up, Halli studied sketch and improv at the UCB Theatre in Los Angeles.

Doors open at 8pm, with the show starting at 9pm. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance by clicking here, or at the door the night of the show. As always, get there early to enjoy drinks, ambiance, and comedy from opening comic, Kalamazoo's own Bob Fredericks.

Bonus Video: Stand-Up from Halli Borgfjord



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