Decatur Camp Helps Kids Who Lost Loved Ones
When you think of camp it's usually the typical Summer camp with swimming, canoeing, archery and roasting marshmallows. We've got some famous camps in our area including Pretty Lake in Mattawan that have hosted campers and shaped lives for over 100 years. Then there are others that serve a specific purpose like The Burn Camp and one that just came to our attention.
Laurie Masonson sent us information on an extraordinary camp in Decatur, MI. It's called Experience Camp and it brings grieving together boys and girls together for one week who have suffered the loss of a family member or care-giver. They take part in the usual camp stuff and also bereavement activities including sharing circles where they can talk about their grief. It's only the 6th Experience Camp in the country and it's free. You can get more information by clicking HERE and check out the video below.