Musician Dan Tillery had a great week. He adopted a 2-year-old dog from the shelter and was thrust in to internet celebrity-hood when selfies he took with his adorable dog went viral. How viral? Viral enough to get noticed by the folks at "Good Morning America," who oohed-and-awed over the image in a short segment.

Then everything changed.

American Kennel Club Announces Most Popular Dogs In The U.S.
Gary Gershoff/Getty Images


Tillery was contacted by law enforcement, who informed him that his dog appeared to be a pit bull, and pit bulls are banned in his area.  In response, Tillery provided the City of Detroit Animal Control and Welfare with the paperwork on his dog, that clearly states the dog is an American Bulldog.

So far, the city has not responded.

You know, when I was a kid dobermans and rottweilers got the bad wrap for being vicious attack and guard dogs. You would see them used in movies to insight fear; the choke collar gleaming, the ears cropped perfectly, only responding to commands given in Russian.  Then German Shepherds were the breed to look out for; shouldn't be around children, and will only take commands if they are trained in a K9 unit. Now the pit bull is taking the grief... and because of that all "bull" dogs are taking heat.  Tillery's dog is clearly "bull," but "pit"? - I really don't think so.  If Tillery is forced to relocate or euthanize that animal without someone from Detroit Animal Control making a stop to his home to "double check" the breed, I am going to be a very sad panda.

Dan, I sure hope you don't have to lose your best friend.

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