Donut Created By 4th Grade Battle Creek Student Added To Sweetwater’s Menu
When I was a kid I never dreamed of being able to create my own donut, let alone having that creation being added to the menu, but that's what's happened to a 4th grader from Battle Creek at the Sweetwater's location in Battle Creek. In May, the students of Beadle Lake Elementary were asked to design a donut and then write a persuasive letter to Sweetwater’s in Battle Creek. This is how it all went down:
Macey had never considered designing a donut, but now she had a challenge. Macey and the other fourth grade students in her class worked for an entire week, designing and perfecting the donuts and letters. Sweetwater’s gladly partnered with Beadle Lake and chose the winning design; the Fruity Pebble Dream. Macey thought this would be the perfect donut for Battle Creek because after all, we are the Cereal City!

Even though the photos were taken from a contest that ran last month, the week of June 7th through the 13th, it's been added to the menu, but something tells me it won't be the last time you see the donut.
Donut Created By 4th Grade Battle Creek Student Added To Sweetwater's Menu
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