Fire Hub In Battle Creek “Scaring” Up food For The Needy
If you haven't been to The Fire Hub yet you are really missing out. As I chronicled in a previous blog, the food is unbelievable and the place itself is one-of-a-kind. But what really sets them apart is the real reason they're there; To help feed those in need. And this month why not make it scary.
Our good friends at Firekeepers Casino Hotel passed along the following press release that I wanted to make sure I passed on to you. So do yourself a favor and go eat there and do someone else a favor and help those who need it most. Check it out.
(Battle Creek, Mich.) Oct. 11, 2017 – In an effort to continue helping those less fortunate in our community, The Fire Hub restaurant encourages guests to bring in two or more non-perishable food items this October to donate to The Kendall Street Pantry in exchange for $2 off a Fire Hub food order.
Since opening in April, The Kendall Street Pantry has served nearly 5,000 families in large part due to numerous volunteers and donors. Every Monday, the pantry opens its doors at 5 p.m., allowing those in need to come in and shop from the shelves. At 7 p.m., the shelves are wiped and workers begin to restock for the next week’s distribution. Clients are eligible to shop once per month. Everyone is served on a first come, first served basis. 25,566 pounds of self-stable, non-perishable food and 12,660 pounds of fresh produce have been distributed.
“Coming in to the holiday season, the need for items distributed through The Kendall Street Pantry is rising,” stated Michael McFarlen. “We’re encouraging our guests to take pride in helping their neighbors with this added incentive.”
“Having the Kendall Street Pantry available to residents is so important for this neighborhood,” said Heather Mauney, Food Bank of South Central Michigan Agency Relation Director. “And having a partner like The Fire Hub to help support our hunger relief efforts here is just amazing. We really couldn’t do what we do without community partners and individuals who believe in the work we’re doing and choose to support it. We’re so thankful.”
The Fire Hub will also be offering three trick-or-treat stops on Halloween. Visit The Fire Hub on Oct. 31 from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. to pick up some deliciously spooky treats.
The Fire Hub, located on the corner of Kendall Street and Dickman Road in Battle Creek, MI, is owned and operated by FireKeepers Casino Hotel. A first of its kind non-profit, hands-on investment by a casino operator, The Fire Hub blends a restaurant and food pantry to help those less fortunate. The Fire Hub’s concept was the vision of Michael McFarlen, Vice President of Food and Beverage at FireKeepers Casino Hotel and a 2016 Governor’s Service Award winner for the state of Michigan. For more information visit www.firehubbc.com.
FireKeepers Casino Hotel is owned and operated by the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi.