Yes, you'll be hearing the same bad jokes you've heard for 20 years on the morning show. Sure, you'll chuckle a bit when he tees off a little closer to the hole than you do. But this is a once in a lifetime chance to golf a round with Mike McKelly from the Rocker Morning Show.

If you win, you'll be teeing it up with McKelly at Stoatin Brae at Gull Lake View outside of Augusta, one of the Top 5 courses in Michigan. You and a guest will join Mike for his inaugural trip around this link-style masterpiece and learn all of the "golf jargon" that has made playing with Mike legendary in the golf community ("open face sand wedge" anyone?). Oh, you'll play 18 holes but it'll feel like 36. Trust us.

Enter below and good luck!

Practice up now so you don't humiliate yourself in front of Mike (you won't) by booking a tee time at Gull Lake View here.

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