If You Bought Infant Tylenol You Might See Some Settlement Money
Never let it be said that the American public shouldn't take advantage of a corporate cash grab. In this case, there doesn't seem to be any physically harmful negligence. Instead, something along the line of willful deception. Nevertheless, there is pending litigation and millions of dollars on the line.
According to an article on clickondetroit.com, if you purchased Infants’ Tylenol in recent years, you could be owed money. Johnson & Johnson, in a $6.3 million class action lawsuit settlement, agreed to pay customers who bought the product since 2014. The settlement is in response to a class-action lawsuit where Johnson & Johnson was accused of deceptively packaging the medicine, saying it was uniquely formulated for infants, when in reality it was the same concentration found in Children’s Tylenol.
Unfortunately, no one's going to get rich. Class Members may claim $2.15 for every 1 and 2 fl. oz. bottle of Infants’ Tylenol purchased. A maximum of 7 bottles or $15.05 may be claimed without proof of purchase. An unlimited number of bottles may be claimed with proof of purchase for all Infants’ Tylenol purchases.