The first time I was introduced to Yuengling, the person who handed it to me looked me dead in the eye and said, "You didn't get this from me." Needless to say, I was confused when I looked into my hand, expecting what I could only assume was contraband, only to see an ice-cold bottle of beer. Well, as I'm not one to look a gift brew in the face, I opened it first and would ask questions later.

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Once the rich amber malt and hops reached my lips, I suddenly had a lot of questions, like what is this, how come I've never had/seen this before, and where can I get more? Fortunately, the person (who shall remain nameless for reasons you'll understand later) with the answers, the individual responsible for introducing me to a beer I'd yet to learn to pronounce (ying-luhng) would have the answers.

Separating Myth From Fact For Michigan's 'Beer Smugglers'

Bottles of a variety of Yuengling Brewery beers are seen with a blue circle with ILLEGAL? overlaid upon them.
Mashed via YouTube / Yuengling Brewery / Canva

Once I tracked down the person who had handed me 12 ounces of deliciousness, I asked which party store he had found it. He told me that I couldn't find Yuengling in Michigan, and if I wanted more, I'd need to go to Pennsylvania. Immediately checking Google to see if he was correct (he was), I then began planning a trip.

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Wanting to make the most of my time on the road, I researched how much alcohol I could legally bring across the Michigan border. I realized that despite how tasty Yuengling is, a beer run to Steeler Country wouldn't make financial sense.

How Many Ounces of Alchohol Can You Bring Across the Michigan State Line

A Yuengling draft trailer is seen with two workers looking off to the left and two mugs full of beer clinging together.
Mashed via YouTube / Yuengling Brewery / Canva

According to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Liquor Control Commission (MLCC), a person of legal drinking age is only allowed to bring 312 ounces of alcohol over the state line. This means you're limited to a case of beer or 12-750ml containers of wine. The booze must also be below 21% alcohol by volume, according to MCL Code Act 58 of 1998 (Yuengling's only 4.5%, so you're safe there).

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According to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, if you are caught with more than the legal limit of out-of-state booze, you could face a $500 fine. Is it worth it for a couple of Yuengling cases? You decide.

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