Kalamazoo Needs White Castle
Since I've gotten back from my trip, a lot of people asked me: "What's the first thing you did when you landed?" Did I call my mother to tell her I didn't die horribly with the sinking of the ship? Did I text my pet-sitter to check that my pets were still more-or-less alive? Did I snap in to "adult mode" and immediately throw a load of vacation laundry in the wash?
I drove to White Castle, ordered a Crave Case and happily inhaled five sliders before I took a breath.
For those of you who don't know the pleasure of White Castle, or what a Crave Case is, let's start at the very beginning...
White Castle is a chain of fast food restaurants that serves up sliders; tiny burgers that take no more than three bites to eat. They come in all sorts of varieties to please an array of pallets; original, cheese, chicken - they even have a breakfast waffle slider. - they've got it all. A Crave Case is a thing of beauty; 30 sliders carefully nestled together in a cardboard briefcase for easy slider transportation.
So, I ordered the Crave Case; 10 Original, 10 Cheeseburger, 10 Bacon Jalapeno Cheddar.
Don't fret... I had help putting a dent in these, and I was looking forward to the freezable leftovers, although, truth be told, thawed and warmed up, they just don't taste the same as fresh off the grill.
The trouble with being 146 miles from Chicago and 141 miles from Detroit, is that we are 140ish miles from White Castle. This... THIS is a travesty. An OUTRAGE, I say!
White Castle is a delicious, tasty treat! Why, oh why, is it denied to us Kalamazooans? What did we do to be denied? Won't you stand with me and raise your voice in approval of Sliders, Chicken rings, and Sriracha Shrimp Nibblers (available for a limited time)?
I'm telling you right now, friends, nothing washes down a beer quite like a slider. And vice-versa.
I say we pool our money and open a location. What do you say? I've got... *rummages through wallet*... $7.27, and a Bahamian quarter. You?