Let's face it, it's tough to keep track of what's reality, and what's satire these days. Things get shared from any number of websites, and "news" pages on social media with little to no research done, which unfortunately results in a lot of misinformation making its way around the web.

This includes sites like "The Onion," which is a nationally-known satire site that often mocks the top headlines around the country. But there's one in Michigan that on the surface, looks entirely legit... until you start reading a bit.

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Midland, Michigan has its own legitimate newspaper, the Midland Daily News. It covers news around the state, mostly from the central lower peninsula, and is a member of the AP News.

However, people seem to be confusing it with its satirical counterpart... the Midland Gazette.

Started as a Facebook page in 2019, the Gazette seems like a legitimate mid-Michigan source for information. A lot of their images, and headlines, seem like legitimate posts. And many of the basic concepts for stories seem... a bit odd maybe... but not out of the realm of possibility.

For instance, the below post is about an older couple making an "honest mistake" thinking that world-renowned artist Jelly Roll was homeless, and bought him a meal.

But then you keep reading...

The more you read, the more ridiculous it gets. And that's how ALL of their stories go.

"DNC Announces Oldest living American as Next Presidential Nominee"

"Local Schools Installing Vape Detectors in Staff Bathrooms"

"Christmas Lights Strung in Section of Downtown Midland Where Businesses Close Before Dark"

All... fake headlines, and fake stories, but could legitimately be real topics.

And yet, people still share them like it's real news. If only they'd read the actual content, and context, we might see less misinformation out there, and be able to laugh at satire like the Gazette.

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Gallery Credit: Nate Reed

Comic Strip Creator Cathy Guisewite of Midland

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