Pick Up ‘Tax Free’ Lottery Tickets Friday’s In February
February is the month for Valentine's Day and as you take care of that gift for your Valentine, The Rocker is taking care of you "Tax Free".
Listen to Eric "Fly" Stevens on Friday Afternoons in February for Fly's Find Your Fortune Friday.
This months prize is your chance to score 25 "Tax Free' lottery tickets from the Michigan Lottery. The top prize is you can win up to $50,000 on each ticket tax free up to 12 times.
You want to score the tickets? Just listen for your chance to call in on Friday Afternoon with Fly. Listen during the 4 p.m. hour and Fly will ask for the 25th caller. If you are the 25th caller you will pick up 25 "Tax Free" tickets.
Chances for you to score tickets through out the month of February. Good Luck!
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