Popnology Exhibit at Air Zoo is Sci-Fi Fun for the Whole Family
Then: "Computer: How close are we to the Gamma Quadrant?" Captain Picard asked the ether in Star Trek: Next Generation. Now: Siri is just a voice-command away.
Then: Rosie kept the Jetson's sky bubble neat and tidy. Now: a fleet of robots (LitterRobot, Grillbot, Roomba, Robomow, Droplet) makes mundane chores a thing of the past.
Then: "Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope," Leia pleaded in hologram form in Star Wars. Now: Tupac and Michael Jackson have performed shows posthumously.
It's crazy to think that the "Then"s were supposed to be in the distant future, or a galaxy far, far away. Robots! Flying cars! Hand-held communicators! What was once the stuff of fantasy is this year's must-have stocking-stuffer.
Celebrate pop culture's influence on modern technology with "Popnology" at The Air Zoo, running through October 2nd. From 3D printers to space exploration, The Time Machine to Metropolis, this exhibit covers what modern authors, directors, and visionaries created for the sake of set-dressing, that have now become something that we simply can't live without.
Bring the whole family! The kids will love it, and they won't even know they're learning!
Bonus! Enjoy this hilarious clip from That Mitchell and Webb Look!