A title like this usually means that someone died.  Bill Cosby isn't dead but many think his career is.  That's not for me to say.  What I will say is that Cosby isn't one of my favorite comedians but he was the first comedian to have an effect on me.

Sometime in the late 60s or early 70s, I discovered Bill Cosby.  I'm not sure how.  Maybe his Tonight Show appearances.  Maybe his TV show "I Spy".  I do know this: his "Wonderfulness" album was the first comedy record I ever owned.  Then came "To Russell My Brother whom I Slept With".  After that, the "Right" album as I called it.  I even bought "Silver Throat- Bill Cosby Sings".

This is the Bill Cosby I choose to remember; the Cosby that did the "Weird Harold and his Lincoln Continental go cart bit and the Noah bit.  Not the Jello Pudding guy or the Cosby Show guy.  Whatever happens I will always have that.

Johnathan Leibson- Getty Images
Johnathan Leibson- Getty Images


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