Reminder: Baiting and Feeding Deer Is Still Illegal in Michigan
There's been talk of repealing Michigan's ban on baiting and feeding deer, but no concrete action has been taken. It is still illegal for the 2019 firearms hunting season.
Despite Ted Nugent's best efforts, legislation has yet to reach Governor Whitmer's desk on overturning Michigan's ban on feeding or baiting deer. Michigan Department of Natural Resources is reporting fielding questions from people confused about the status of the baiting and feeding ban.
Bills to lift the ban have been approved in the Michigan Legislature, but nothing has been sent to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer or signed into law. The governor has promised to veto the legislation should it come to her desk.
-Michigan DNR
Baiting and feeding are essentially the same thing but "baiting" is used to aid in hunting, with "feeding" defined as any other use. So, for now, it remains illegal to put out salt blocks, scatter apples or use any other minerals, fruits, vegetables, hay or other substances designed to lure, entice or attract deer for the purpose of slaying them. There are a few exceptions, with single-bite baits being legal during the liberty and independence hunt, take a look at the DNR video below for complete clarification.