Save Our Stages – Find Out How to Help Concert Venues from The State Theatre’s Harry Phillips
One of the ways we've stayed sane during this pandemic is through art. Everything from music to movies has kept us occupied, entertained, and delightfully distracted while we wait for things to reopen. But one of the hardest hit industries is the live concert industry. Most didn't qualify for funding from the Payment Protection Plan, and we are in real fear of losing our favorite live venues for good. Including Kalamazoo's State Theatre.
A new initiative, Save our Stages, hopes to pass a bill in congress in support of the theatre industry. Harry Philips, Director of Marketing for the Kalamazoo State Theatre sat in on the Rocker Morning Show to talk about the importance of the bill and what the funding would help to cover. A lot of people have no idea how many people are behind the scenes making live concerts come to life.
There are so many live venues in our area that need our support. State Theatre. Farmers Alley. The Civic. Wings Event Center. Epic Center. Whatado. And that's just a handful. They all could use your support.
Please click the link below to learn more about Save Our Stages, NIVA, and how you can help keep our favorite venues afloat until we are all allowed to enjoy them together again.
For the full interview with Harry Phillips from the State Theatre, click below.