According to a recent press release and Facebook posting, two theatres in Kalamazoo are making every effort to ensure safe and sanitized theatre spaces.
The Kalamazoo Civic Theatre's 2020-2021 season spans the globe; from the deserts of Namibia to the streets of Paris, from just off Broadway to a little house on the prairie. See what's in store for the Civic's 92nd year!
Sex. Guilt. Bold accusations. David Mamet's Race follows two lawyers who find themselves defending a wealthy white executive charged with assaulting a black woman.
The free events at the Judy K. Jolliffe Theatre will feature pieces by eight local playwrights, performed and directed as staged readings by local actors and directors.
Full of plenty of cringe-worthy first date moments, this locally written show is a must for anyone who's ever had a very, VERY awkward spaghetti dinner.
Don't miss this 1946 treasure. Born Yesterday opens Friday, January 31st and runs through Saturday, February 15th. Tickets are available for both matinee and evening performances.