Kalamazoo Civic Theatre Ushers In Virtual Series of Plays
The show must go on. Kalamazoo Civic Theatre will stage a series of productions that will be performed live and streamed to your living room.
You know your favorite bartender or server has missed you, and musicians are craving an audience to play for, but don't forget the thespians. Actors live for the moment and live theatre. Yes, countless hours of rehearsal and preparation go into a production, but each performance is unique. To quote Hamlet, "the play's the thing."
You need three things in the theatre — the play, the actors and the audience, and each must give something.
-Kenneth Haigh, Actor
Much like Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra's digital concert hall series, Kalamazoo Civic Theatre is staging live outdoor performances that are available for streaming. They shared this message on The Civic website:
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we're not able to produce theatre as we have for over 90 years. With that being said, we have put together a truncated season consisting of live stream productions and shows that will be presented outdoors. We can't wait for the time when we can all be together and enjoy theatre as we know it. Until then, we look forward to spending time with you virtually.
Three shows, Gorilla Ballerina, How the Elephant Got His Trunk and Robin Hood and the Heroes of Sherwood Forest are children or youth programs, each happening three times live. The anthology Almost, Maine has tickets available for five performances and Shakespeare's The Tempest can be streamed on demand. Ticket prices are not fixed, but suggested donation amounts are listed. Checkout the synopsis, cast list, scheduled times and reserve your tickets for the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre's website at kazoocivic.com.
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