28 Adorable Cat Cafes With The Most Purr-fect Names28 Adorable Cat Cafes With The Most Purr-fect NamesThese cat pics have us wanting to visit right MEOW!Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Police Officer who Found Sweet Kitten in Trash Adopts HimPolice Officer who Found Sweet Kitten in Trash Adopts HimThe officer was off-duty when he made what the department is calling an "unexpected discovery."Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Eliza, in Kalamazoo, is 4 Months Old & Needs a New, Safe HomeEliza, in Kalamazoo, is 4 Months Old & Needs a New, Safe HomeEliza is currently at the SPCA of SW Michigan and looking for a forever home. Chelsea RoseChelsea Rose
Kalamazoo Celebrates Hug A Cat DayKalamazoo Celebrates Hug A Cat DayCats get a bad rap for not being as affectionate as their canine counterparts, but science has proven that they become just as attached to their humans as any other pet. Felines just have a different way of showing it.Stefani BishopStefani Bishop
Kittenpalooza at Kzoo Cat Cafe and RescueKittenpalooza at Kzoo Cat Cafe and RescueLets help these kittens on their way to getting adopted. Consider donating to the Kittenpalooza today!Stefani BishopStefani Bishop
3rd Annual Puppy & Kitten Shower3rd Annual Puppy & Kitten ShowerThis shower serves to help the SPCA stock supplies needed for the many puppies and kittens they know will be arriving on their doorstep in spring. Stefani BishopStefani Bishop